Christmas is one distinguished celebration that means different things to different people. For many people, Christmas is a season of decoration and fashion, whereas others believe that Christmas is a period of spending time with your loved ones and traveling.
On this occasion, imbued with the spirit of love sharing, and togetherness, the Christmas festival touches everyone’s heart. It has been celebrated with joy all around the globe. Some typical symbolic decorations include the Christmas tree, lights, streamers, flowers, candles, wreaths, mistletoe, and holly.
The rituals and traditions are about love and passion like the legend of kissing under the mistletoe tree owed to the practice of calling a truce between soldiers in Norse mythology. Also, Christmas is a time for hope, gift-giving, and sharing precious moments with family and friends.
Holiday traditions are a wonderful way to get to know your partner better, some activities will help you unwind and spend some quality time together.
7 Romantic but Lowkey Christmas Traditions for Couples
Hot Cocoa Date
Drinking hot cocoa around the fireplace has been the most comforting tradition since we were kids. Why not go on a hot cocoa date with your partner? It could be the easiest, simple, comforting time with your partner.
Whether you make your special hot chocolate or stop at a local coffee shop for a date, it puts anyone in the Christmas spirit.
Binge-Watching Christmas Movies
There is no better way to enjoy Christmas than to watch a series of classic holiday movies snuggled with your partner on a cozy sofa. Pull together all your favorite old Christmas movies, add a few new ones, cuddle together, make some popcorn, and spend the day watching them together.
Whether you want to opt for something funny like the movie “ELF” or want to go for something romantic “Love Actually,” make it a fun holiday staycation and a holiday movie marathon.
Day In Matching Christmas Couple Pajamas
While getting a slow start to the day with this busy Christmas season you can make coffee and have it in bed wearing matching couple Pajamas to relax and enjoy each other’s company, the day with nothing on your schedule.
There are several varieties of Pajamas for couples in the market, you can buy cute and comfy Pajama sets and make it a new tradition for Christmas. Flannel Pajamas or satin Pajamas will look sensible in both holiday photos and when you are watching Netflix on the couch.
S’mores by the Fireplace
To add some new possibilities, gather all your favorite S’more ingredients and get creative. Light up your fireplace or you can utilize an electric tabletop S’mores maker and can have the best time indoors.
Try out making homemade marshmallows for your S’mores with your partner in this cold weather.
Build a Snowman
Staying in bed reading a book or watching TV can be on your mind. However, heading outside to build that first snowman of the season is a productive thing to do with your loved ones. You can be creative and grab a carrot, your scarf, and a top hat.
The pristine white color symbolizes innocence and new beginnings, who would not love getting snowed in if they get to relax and stay inside their cozy home? It is always fun to be a kid at heart. Nothing says love more than a good old-fashioned snowball fight with your partner.
Bake Christmas Cookies or Build a Gingerbread House Together
You always need a few extra hands for your pre-bake gingerbread early in the day and pour a glass of wine for each other and enjoy backing together. Grab all those ingredients including lots of sprinkles, and spend the night making and decorating Christmas cookies with your partner.
Have a Quiet Night with Candlelight Meals
As crazy and hectic your life gets, this Christmas season you can have the perfect escape of quite a date night at home. You can order your favorite take-out or cook your favorite meal together with all the lights down and light up some Christmas lights, music, candles, and endless talking. End up your dinner with a delicious dessert and enjoy a peaceful candlelight date with your partner.
Christmas is a perfect time of year to do the little things together to remind ourselves that the spark is still there, these lowkey activities can give you happiness more than any other expensive things. Some beautiful traditions will allow you to make some incredible memories along the way that you will cherish for the rest of your life. Make these traditions your own by putting your creative touch on them!